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A horoscope, or birth chart, is a personal map; it tracks, in the case of your own natal chart, the planetary influences affecting your exact birthplace, at the very moment you took your first breath. Drawn in a map as unique as your fingerprints, these influences find expression in the course you take throughout the whole of your life.
The symbols drawn in your horoscope express deep meanings in a sort of cosmic shorthand. Astrologers use these symbols as a key to the understanding of your character, personality and relationships. A horoscope can be drawn up for the moment of birth of not just a person, but also a project, an event, a business, even a country. Experience shows that all the events, people and things on planet Earth can be mapped from beginning to end by the energies symbolised in astrology. It's a beautiful thing! Understanding the astrological interaction of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant is the ideal way to discover and investigate the nature of relationships, and is also a very valuable way to explore the compatibility between two people. This article is part of a series that we have published on Astrology on the Web. The Sun Sign Your Sun Sign is where the Sun was placed in the Zodiac at the time of your birth. Sun signs have become the staple diet of popular astrology, because everyone knows their birthday and the Sun's position can be easily worked out.
Here's how: we divide the year into twelve months of around thirty days each and the Sun takes about thirty days to travel through each of the twelve astrological signs. The astrological info on our website looks at the deep, archetypal symbolism involved with each Sun sign, but each of us is a lot more than just our Sun sign. Everyone's personality is a unique combination of influences from the Sun, the Moon and all the planets of the Solar System at the time and place of our birth. Only a detailed astrological analysis, as offered from our skilled astrologers can give you the full details. However, your Sun sign remains the fundamental core of your character, so visit our Star Guide and you'll get plenty of fun and entertainment, plus useful information about you and your relationships from our free online interpretations of the signs and their relationships. The Ascendant Your Ascendant, or Rising Sign, is the sign of the Zodiac which was rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your birth.
This changes approximately every two hours. Even twins born as little as five minutes apart could have different ascendants, which would make a real difference in their horoscopes and therefore their personalities. Your Ascendant represents your self-image and, to a considerable extent, how others see you. If you find, for instance, that the gentle, caring man you've met doesn't seem to fit the personality profile of the typical Aries... well, perhaps it's because he has a Pisces Ascendant. The Moon Sign Your Moon Sign is the sign of the Zodiac occupied by the Moon when you were born. The Moon sign indicates your personality, reflecting the emotional development you underwent in your formative years. It can be thought of as an imprint or legacy from your early home environment and especially from the way your mother related to you when you were a child. As an adult, you experience the Moon sign as a bundle of deep-seated emotional needs that must be fulfilled. Under pressure, you may exhibit the emotional needs and characteristics of that sign more than the characteristics of your Sun sign. So if you are puzzled as to why that otherwise self-effacing Virgo you're dating sometimes lashes you with a stinging tongue, it could be because she has Moon in Scorpio. Or if you can't understand why your otherwise home-loving Cancerian man is always planning a jaunt overseas, perhaps his Moon is in Sagittarius. Finding out your would-be lover's Ascendant and Moon signs will give you much greater understanding of how to handle them than you could obtain by researching their Sun sign alone. To find your lover's Ascendant and Moon signs, you need to know the time of day and place of his or her birth. Then check out our Star Shop and birth chart services, for a deeper analysis of the way you relate together by the stars.
Ultimately, there is no substitute for having a complete horoscope cast by a professional astrologer. If you are contemplating a serious relationship with someone, spare no effort to find out the exact location, date and time of their birth and rush the details to us for a complete explanation, interpretation and prognosis of your relationship. This could save you months of fruitless pursuit and years of frustration--not to mention helping you avoid the agony of a broken heart, countless hours of psychotherapy and the decimation of your bank account. The signs, planets, and aspects combine to give an individual a filter through which he will view his circumstances and react to them. The configuration of the natal chart is the base from which we start our life and from which all further growth will spring. The transits, eclipses, and progressions alter that base and present challenges to our perception of the world and ourselves. The base never changes, but because of the aforementioned events we CAN act differently than our natal chart would at first suggest.
It is the task of the astrologer to determine not only how we are prone to responding to the world, but also how we are likely to respond at this moment in time. Take a normally mild-mannered man who lets negativity slide off his back, for instance. He was raised by a good and loving family and more importantly perceived it as such because he was not born with Mars badly aspecting his Sun, Moon, or a planet ruling his 4th or 10th house. Let's say that at some point in his adult life, transiting Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto all combine to create a Grand Cross when they aspect his natal Moon. Suddenly, we have a totally different creature on our hands. His emotional base is being challenged in a most disturbing way. He becomes angry, perhaps feels the urge to lash out and hit someone. People who meet him during this period will see him as argumentative or touchy. They may think he's like that all the time. An astrologer, on the other hand, could look at his chart, see that natally he's not that sort at all. The astrologer would look to whatever the outside force is and counsel the man by interpreting what is happening to him. He might be told, for instance, that the upset to his usual nature is being caused by a close friend, who he thought supported him but who was now undermining his sense of emotional security. Natally, the man perceives the world as a secure place. By transit, though, that security is being challenged. His growth will come from meeting the challenge and coming to understand that just because you see life as safe and secure, doesn't mean that it is always like that.
It also means that you don't have to go overboard in reacting to the changes. The difficulty for the astrologer is in determining the degree to which a person is apt to express various components of his personality. Every possible element of behavior is present in all of us. Depending on our perception of the world (due to the filter provided by our natal chart), those elements of behavior will be expressed somewhere along the spectrum, from very little to extremely high. The astrologer will weigh various elements in the chart to try to determine which behaviors will be stronger and which will be weaker. Those unfamiliar with the basic tenets of Astrology may enjoy arguing the fact that a horoscope's interpretation could apply to anyone, and in some ways that is true. Because we all have each and every type of human behavior lurking within us, it would be easy to respond favorably to being told that "you have a good sense of humor" or to grudgingly agree that "you have a temper." Ah, but it's the matter of degree that counts! Let's look a Capricorn woman who has her Moon also in that sign and squaring Saturn. Would she see herself as having a good sense of humor? Probably. But would an Aquarius with the Moon in Sagittarius think so? Definitely not. It's a matter of degree and perception. It's the astrologer's delicate task to interpret that woman's chart and bring to light where her perceptions lie. She needs to understand how her behavior is shaped by how she views circumstances.
The astrologer could point out that the Moon square Saturn suggests an early sense of being emotionally mal- nurished. Was the mother older than usual at the moment of birth (upwards from 28 years of age) and past the playfulness and spontaneity that a more youthful mother may have shown? Or was she burdened by heavy responsibility that drew her attention away from her baby and prevented her from developing a carefree and loving relationship? Or was she, likewise, born with a Moon/Saturn aspect that inhibited the easy flow of emotional warmth? What astrology then can do is help an individual understand how circumstances and perceptions have combined to form his behavior patterns. The individual can learn how it has become habitual for him to react to incoming stimuli in certain ways. Despite what is logical or normal, He is going to initially react from his astrological base. He is going to temper his reactions through the transits. He is going to grow through his eclipses. He is going to alter his habits through his progressions. Astrology is not a parlor game. It is a useful and viable tool for helping you understand who you are, why you are, and how you fit into the world. What is astrology? The study of how events on Earth are influenced by the Sun, Moon, stars and planets. The word astrology comes from the Greek word astrologia, which literally means star study.
When was astrology developed? The ancient Mesopotamians were the first to use astrology more than 5000 years ago. What is the zodiac? An imaginary band of sky that follows the Sun's annual path as seen from Earth. In astrology, the band is divided into twelve equal parts, each containing a different astrological constellation. The word zodiac comes from the Greek word zodiakos, which literally means circle of animals. What are the signs of the zodiac? The unique names and symbols used to represent each of the twelve astrological constellations in the zodiac. The planets... Astrologers believe that the positions of the planets in the sky affect nearly every aspect of a person's life. When astrologers use the word "planets", generally they are referring to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, although obviously the Sun and Moon are not planets! What are the planets? In astrology, the celestial bodies around the Earth are called planets. Each planet is associated with a sign and a different energy in life. The stars and planets have always inspired a sense of wonder. Many cultures look skyward and see the face of the divine there. There's a cosmic dance on the grand scale, and one on the intimate scale, going on for each of us. Astrology is the study of patterns and relationships -- of planets in motion, our birth chart, synastry with others, the make-up of elements -- and using that knowledge as a tool to find meaning. Is Astrology a science?: It falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical. It's similar to other fields that are founded on ancient theories of energy patterns, like feng shui, acupuncture and yoga.
Astrology at high levels is a mastery of its particular science and the intuitive arts. As the earliest known ordering of existence, long before recorded history, it's been called the "Mother of all Sciences." The Celestial Clock: Astrology's premise is that the planetary movements influence the Moments in Time. Since we're part of the story of the Universe, our moment of birth recorded on the celestial clock is meaningful. The planets continue to move, engaging with the fixed in time energies of our birth chart. Students today can draw on the myths, symbolic associations and wisdom of past astrologers to come up with their own intuitive language. There are the long cycles of outer planets that show generational trends, and shorter ones, like the Sun's annual journey through the Zodiac. Know Thyself Astrology is an incredible tool of self-discovery, no matter how far you decide to take it. At first, the pieces of the puzzle may not seem to fit. But if you stick with it, at a certain point it "clicks" and the orchestrations of the cosmic dance make sense. If life seems like a series of meaningless events, astrology can be a comforting sign that perhaps things happen for a reason. It can shine light on inner contradictions and natural strengths. As a map of the psyche, the birth chart is a guide to self-understanding that never stops revealing new layers of insight.
Understanding Your Birth Chart: Astrology can be baffling at first, because it involves a different kind of wisdom. There are three parts to any birth chart (click here for your own chart)-- planet, sign and house. There's a blending that happens in astrology that involves those three. As you learn more, your understanding deepens. You get a sense of what life lessons the Aries Sun in the 10th House holds for you. After learning about the planets, signs and houses, it's time to look at aspects. This is the relationship between the players in your birth chart. Do they square each other? Or, are they in harmony with trines and sextiles. Where the Heck Should I Start?: It's said that there's truth in stereotypes, and that's where they come from in the first place. The essence of each sign's energy has built up a reputation. Gemini is chatty, gossipy, a bright wit. Scorpio is sultry, intense. Virgo is a purist, a neat-freak, and so on. Hold those stereotypes loosely as you make your own observations.
The Sun sign is the essence of the basic nature in the broadest possible strokes. The rest of the chart fills in the details. Hold the Sun sign in your mind, as you go on to learn about the Moon. What kind of Cancer am I? The rest of your chart tells the story. The Chemistry of Astrology: Astrology provides cosmic clues as to why you're attracted to, repelled by or indifferent to those you meet. It helps you take personality clashes less to heart, but also show potential red flags to watch out for. Some connections are sparked by friction, and astrology helps you take the long view, and see them as challenges that cause you both to grow. Astrology and the Dating Game: Just a little bit of Sun Sign wisdom fills you in on the dynamics of your potential romantic alliance. In the delicate beginning, it can shine light on the behavior of the Sun signs when romantic interest is piqued. What are other uses of astrology for understanding relationships?: Astrology can give you a deeper understanding of all your relationships -- with bosses, siblings, parents, children, friends and partners. Comparing a couple's birth charts alerts them to areas where their natures could come into conflict. Known as "synastry," this kind of analysis points out areas to challenge and support each other to fulfill your individual destinies.
Astrology shows where karma is being played out, with hard but necessary lessons, and the potential for an alchemical miracle to take place over time. Astrology is the art and science of the cycles of life. They begin at our first breath, and continue until our last. We have many cycles that affect us, some short, some long. Some cycles last so long that we never experience the whole of them unless we become fully realized Beings, as in the case of Neptune and Pluto, outermost two of the three invisible “Spiritual” planets. We would have to live for 250 years to experience a complete cycle of Pluto in our chart. However, there are other cycles that we all experience many times in our lives, and through these we come to know key themes and lessons related to why something happens when it does and how that impacts the way we are shaping our “destiny.” We are the ones in command of our responses to life’s challenges.
This is our true “response-ability.” If we know what is happening and why at any moment in time and experience, we have the ability to adjust our responses consciously within the many cycles that work across the personal, interpersonal, and the transpersonal dimensions. This helps us fulfill old karmic patterns while offering opportunities for us to transmute our energy in positive ways, generating detachment, dispassion, discrimination, and bodhichitta, or goodwill. In the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal dimensions we have many cycles going on simultaneously on four levels, those being the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, or archetypal realms.
Thus we have personal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual cycles going along with interpersonal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual cycles going, as well as transpersonal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual cycles of activity, with all 12 “bandwidths” functioning simultaneously. We can also call the transpersonal realm the realm of truth, of archetypes, the quest for the higher or greater self, or the realm of higher service we do for our world. So you can see that our life lessons and transformational experiences work out through different cycles operating on each of these 12 bandwidths, or frequency zones, throughout our lives. Most people think that astrology concerns only such things as “I was born at such and such a time, and that gives me the times to get married, buy a house, get divorced” and so forth.
It is mostly regarded as a predictive tool. While that is true, it is also true that there are much larger cycles of change going on that affect all of us regardless of whether our Sun is in Taurus or we have a Sagittarius Rising a Moon in Gemini, Jupiter in the fifth house or Saturn in the ninth. This is the Transpersonal level of existence, the cycles of things beyond our immediate control or creation that sweep across large populations of people, regardless of their individual cycles of activity. Character Is Destiny Regardless of the larger patterns at work across generations and continents, we always have the ability to control our responses to circumstances. If “character is destiny,” in the sense that as we make our character we make our destiny, then obviously we are in charge of our own fate, regardless of external passing circumstances. As one who is dedicated to understanding “the intersections between fate and free will,” I found a long time ago that there are only two things that are “destined” in this world: One is to be born when you were, where you were, to the people you were born to. The other is in the timing on certain choices. Not what choice you will make, but when you will have to make a choice.
Even not to choose becomes a choice here. Everything else in life is a product of free will, our own or someone else’s, which challenges us to act, react, or deal with what is being acted upon us. In astrology, all cycles have a beginning and an end, followed by new cycles. Between beginning and end in anything, there are times of harmony and times of friction, times of flow and times of blockage. Many astrologers believe that the harmonious aspects mean good things, and frictional aspects mean bad things. While this can seem to be true, I take the approach that a harmonious aspect, whether at work in your birth chart or in the heavens above, is a challenge for us to come to correct understanding. A frictional aspect, on the other hand, is a challenge for us to act correctly. There is no thing in astrology that compels you to be defeated, to be a victim of circumstance, or anybody else. Here finding the right point of view can help us to a greater comprehension. Many times in life, we don’t “win” even if we do our best. In those cases, I have found that we are cultivating a quality of our character as revealed in the birth chart. When we go through difficult circumstances, regardless of the apparent cause, we’re chewing up old karma, fulfilling an old tendency or potentiality, and being given a chance to cultivate a strength, a skill, an understanding or a way of acting that can serve us in the future so we don’t have to go through that friction any more. In group astrology, or collective astrology, sometimes I have found that frictional aspects going on in the sky can indicate pandemonium on Earth. In those situations, sometimes the best thing we can do is not lose our cool even if everybody else is losing theirs. Just don’t make it worse, and you’ll look pretty good by the time the psychic “storm” passes and the whole thing is over and others have either created a mess, deconstructed their reality, or done something to destabilize their lives.
The forces symbolized by astrological planets are always in flux. There is no absolute time of good or absolute time of difficulty. I have found that often we are actually doing quite well in some aspects of our life and challenged in other aspects of our life. Each person has a unique situation. Just because everybody else is having a difficult time doesn’t mean you will. And just because everybody else seems to be “doing well” is no reason for you to beat up on yourself if you feel that you’re not doing well. A lot of this has to do with the difference between perception and experience. We often perceive something completely different from what we’re actually going through. We just as often don’t know our true realization until after we’ve already gone through the experience. In predictive astrology you may see when something’s coming down in the cosmic moment, but it may take an hour or a day or a week to realize what that transit was about. That’s why you may hear an astrologer say “Such and such is going to come down on such and such a day” and it seems not to be happening. Well, it may very well be coming down on that day but we may not be perceiving it as it happens. It may take us some time to figure out what it was that happened, and that’s why reflective meditations can help us see things from different perspectives.